Lasers Utilize Exclusive Laser-Beam Delivery System

LightScalpel’s LS-1005 and LS-2010 carbon-dioxide (CO2) lasers are the only practical soft-tissue surgical lasers that use a focused laser beam directly to efficiently cut and coagulate soft-tissue across all medical and dental surgical specialties, according to the company. Made in the United States, they use an exclusive laser-beam delivery system featuring proprietary rugged and highly flexible fiber waveguides, LightScalpel said.

For added safety and convenience, the focused laser beam is spaced just 2 mm away from the tip of the handpiece, making an aiming beam not necessary while providing an exclusive, unobstructed view of the laser beam’s impact on the tissue, such as incision depth and speed, as well as the coagulation depth, the company said.

Also, the pen-sized handpieces, both straight and contra angle, don’t use disposables and can be sterilized in an autoclave. The lasers’ easy-to-use controls, handpiece calibration, and customizable presets make soft-tissue surgeries precise and hassle-free, LightScalpel said.  

For more information, call (866) 589-2722 or visit

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