Material’s Biocompatibility and Bioactivity Preserves Pulp Vitality


Septodont’s Biodentine offers optimal biocompatibility and proven bioactivity that preserves pulp vitality (direct and indirect) and promotes pulpal healing and remineralization, according to the company. It is designed so general practitioners, pediatric dentists, and endodontists can save teeth from root canal treatment, preserve pulp vitality, and treat pediatric pulpotomies, Septodont said.

Also, Biodentine cuts like dentin and has the same mechanical properties and similar flexural modulus as dentin, the company said. It is designed to save time, enabling dentists to bulk fill with no need for layering. It sets in 10 to 12 minutes as well, allowing for a full restoration to be completed in one office visit. It is available in five- and 15-capsule packages.

For more information, call (800) 872-8305 or visit

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