NDI – Curing Light

Putting you in control for the right cure every time, the SiriusMax Advanced Curing Light features a powerful, elegant, all-aluminum design that is built for durability and efficiency. Its 90° swivel-head functionality and ultraslim profile mean better ergonomics, easier access, and more precise placement; its optical dual-lens technology collimates the light beam for deep, even curing; and its new-generation battery and charging system provides up to 500 cures on a single charge. An easy-to-set, brilliant LED display and customizable menu offer multiple output intensity and duration options from 3 power levels: Normal, 1,200 mW/cm2; High, 1,400 mW/cm2; and Xtra, 3,000 mW/cm2. For more information, call (800) 392-1171 or visit thecuringlight.com.