Online Barometer Evaluates Dental Practices’ Recovery

The Dentsply Sirona Practice Recovery Barometer is designed to provide personalized support and resources to dental professionals throughout the United States and help them on their road to recovery. It helps give dental professionals a clear view of where their local area is in recovery compared to surrounding areas and the overall nation, the company said.

Based on this information, the tool also provides personalized resources in support of practice recovery efforts, Dentsply Sirona said. By entering a zip code and other basic information, the Practice Recovery Barometer provides an easy to understand practice recovery score based on consumer data from Apple, Google, and internal intelligence notifying them if patient mobility in their area is full, partial, or limited, according to the company.

Scores are based on the most up to date information and refreshed weekly, enabling dental professionals to compare their own practice to their surrounding area and select personalized programs to best meet the needs of their practice so they can best serve their patients, Dentsply Sirona said.

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