Owandy Partners with Dentron on Panoramic Units

Dentron Systems has partnered with Owandy Radiology to offer panoramic imaging units. For example, Owandy’s I-MAX 2D wall-mount units are designed for optimum patient positioning with face-to-face operation. Their Automated Layers Integration System immediately and automatically selects the best shots to display a perfect image with no user intervention. Also, the I-MAX uses a didactic human-machine interface, while its imaging tools and enhancing filters are automatically integrated in the control software.

Owandy’s I-MAX Touch 3D panoramic unit offers the best adapted volume for dental use, according to the company, at a 93- x 53-mm volume for mandibular images and a 93- x 43-mm volume for maxillary images. It captures the entire jaw with a single exposure, including impacted molars, regardless of the patient’s morphology. Also, the image generated with the flat-panel sensor enables users to realize a very precise diagnosis in a few seconds, Owandy reports. Its multi-field-of-view tridimensional imaging system suits implantology, guided surgery, endodontics, periodontics, and general practice.

For more information, call Dentron Systems at (800) 680-4707 or visit dentronsystems.com.

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