Partnership Launches Credentialing Solution

DentalXChange is partnering with Delta Dental of Colorado to launch the first co-branded edition of DentalXChange’s DDS Enroll software. The offering will enable Delta Dental providers to complete credentialing requirements for Delta Dental of Colorado and other insurance companies online, with the goal of increasing provider utilization.

“Credentialing is a major pain point for dentists and insurance companies alike,” said Cheryl A. Lerner, DMD, vice president of network and clinical management for Delta Dental of Colorado. “Providers must be re-credentialed every 3 years in order for claims to be processed. Without renewed credentials, providers can lose thousands of dollars each year in unpaid claims, while insurance companies exhaust hours and resources attempting to track down renewal applications.”

“Currently, dental offices nationwide are sent credentialing renewal reminders via mail, which are easily overlooked. Our partnership with Delta Dental of Colorado gives us the opportunity to address and rectify industry inefficiencies,” said LeAnn Morris, vice president of business development for DentalXChange.

“With our new digital solution, providers will be able to access credentialing information online, input data digitally, upload supporting documents easily, indicate required fields and data requirements quickly, and securely sign forms electronically in order to reduce time and errors in the credentialing process,” said Morris.

While other companies have attempted digital credentialing solutions in the past, DDS Enroll will be one of the first to offer a solution designed specifically for the industry that will support multi-carrier credentialing, Morris said.

“Many providers have contracts with up to 30 different payers. In the past, these dental practices would have to spend countless hours fulfilling lengthy credentialing applications for each carrier individually,” said Morris. “With our new software, providers will be able to enter their information and upload documents only once and that data will be applied across all applications, which saves time and money for a busy practice.”

DDS Enroll also is designed to enable Delta Dental of Colorado to maintain quality control, according to Lerner, as DentalXChange will follow up with providers individually as needed to assist with the online credentialing platform. DentalXChange also will integrate a series of digital features into DDS Enroll, including:

  • Auto-populating fields: After forms are initially completed through DDS Enroll, the Question Wizard will save user information and autofill fields on any additional applications thereafter.
  • Document repository: DentalXChange supports the ability to upload required documentation or certifications needed to submit or renew credentials.
  • E-signature: Users will have the option to electronically sign credentialing applications.
  • Tracking progress: Providers can view submitted credentialing applications and check the status of their credential renewals through DDS Enroll.
  • Virtual reminders: The program will send virtual reminders to users along with document expiration reminders to reduce the potential gap in renewal time or risk of termination from the network.
  • Free training and troubleshooting: Users will have access to training, including live chat for quick questions as well as walk-throughs. Training will be provided directly from the credentialing team at DentalXChange, eliminating the need to contact insurance companies.

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