Podcast Series Explores Practice Finances

Dentistry Today


Bankers Healthcare Group (BHG) is releasing six new episodes of its Perfecting Your Practice podcast. The series examines ways healthcare professionals and medical practice owners can invest in their careers and practices to drive success.

“Podcasts are a great way for healthcare professionals to consume information, and our bite-sized episodes can easily fit into their busy lives,” said BHG chairman and CEO Al Crawford. “For practice owners looking to improve their business finances, our podcast offers solutions to the common challenges and questions that our customers have.”

The series launched in 2017 with “5 Simple Marketing Tips to Attract New Patients.” Each episode tackles a business finance topic and breaks it down to be simple, digestible, and applicable, BHG says. The new episodes include:

  • Episode 2: “How Much Is My Medical Practice Worth?”
  • Episode 3: “4 Don’ts of Medical Practice Marketing”
  • Episode 4: “Navigating the Medical Practice Lending Landscape”
  • Episode 5: “4 Easy Ways to Boost Marketing for Your Medical Practice”
  • Episode 6: “Most Important Factors of Medical Practice Finance”
  • Episode 7: “How to Take Control of Medical Practice Debt”

Episodes will be available for listening along with accompanying downloadable assets, host bios, and full transcripts. They can be found at perfectingyourpracticetoday.com and at iTunes.

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