Sizes Added to Collagen Matrix Lineup

Geistlich Biomaterials has expanded its Geistlich Fibro-Gide line of collagen matrices for soft-tissue augmentation procedures in the oral cavity to include 15- by 20- by 6-mm and 20- by 40- by 6-mm sizes for both small and large defects. Made from type I and type III collagen, Geistlich Fibro-Gide is smart-linked, which is a unique form of cross linking designed to provide elasticity, strength, and volume stability, the company reports.

Positioned as an alternative connective tissue graft, Geistlich Fibro-Gide is ideally suited for soft-tissue augmentation around natural teeth and implants, according to Geistlich Biomaterials. It is indicated for alveolar ridge reconstruction for prosthetic treatment, recession defects for root coverage, and localized gingival augmentation to increase keratinized tissue around teeth and implants.

In contrast to connective tissue grafts that are considered to be the gold standard in soft-tissue augmentation and recession coverage procedures, Geistlich Fibro-Gide does not require a second surgical site, Geistlich Biomaterials says. It also is ready to use and has an unlimited supply. Plus, its variable thickness lets clinicians choose the optimal thickness for the procedure, unlike connective tissue grafts, which are limited by the patient’s anatomy. 

Geistlich Fibro-Gide required years of development and more than a thousand prototype, Geistlich Biomaterials says. In both preclinical and clinical studies, the company adds, Geistlich Fibro-Gide demonstrates safety and efficacy while showing clinical comparability to a connective tissue graft.

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