Small Endodontic Device Pierces into Orifice Entrances


While the DG 16 endo explorer is so large it often blocks small canal entrances, the Do Well Dental Products JW17 Signature and Standard Series Microendodontic Explorer is so small in diameter that it reaches into the orifice entrance, identifies the canal, and then leads the way and follows the canal to length, according to the company.

The microscope may turn on the lights for many dentists, Do Well Dental Products said, but tiny and often calcified canal orifices often must be felt before they are actually seen. Also, the JW17 Micro Endo/Perio probe makes diagnosing vertical fractures and gingival sulcus sinus tracts easy and periodontal probing comfortable for patients, the company said.

For more information, call (877) 373-8904 or visit

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