Solea Laser Gets Upgraded

The latest upgrades to Convergent Dental’s Solea carbon-dioxide all-tissue dental laser include software updates, improved ergonomics, increased accessibility, and a smaller footprint, according to the company. After more than 1,000 procedures, Convergent Dental reports that the upgrades provide:

  • Improved anesthesia-free performance, with 99.2% of cavity preps completed without anesthesia and without discomfort
  • Faster hard-tissue cutting by 31% compared to the previous platform
  • 10% smoother furnace finishes for better margins and reduced prep time
  • Faster soft-tissue cutting with minimal to no bleeding

With a 15% slimmer profile, the new Solea is designed to be easier to move around the office and operatory. The software now offers user-customizable options, user-specific profiles, and faster startup. The handpiece is lighter and more maneuverable with improved rotation and a wider range of motion. And, a 4G LTE mobile data connection has been added.

“This new generation of Solea provides a quantum leap in performance at every level. Most importantly, it enables dentists to do virtually 100% of cavity preps anesthesia-free,” said Michael Cataldo, CEO of Convergent Dental. “In addition, Solea now cuts faster and smoother so dentists get more done in less time with an even better patient experience.”

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