Turbine Improves Visibility in Working Area

The Tornado (left) and the TornadoS.


Thanks to its compact head, which is 10.8 mm in diameter and 12.1 mm in height, Bien-Air’s TornadoS is designed to improve visibility in the working area. The reduced size of its head also facilitates access to molar areas to optimize patient comfort. Despite its small size, it offers a 24-W power output. And like the Tornado turbine, the TornadoS is equipped with Bien-Air SteadyTorque technology. Designed for efficiency, the TornadoS reduces the length of operations, improving productivity. And, its ceramic ball bearings can handle the highest speeds and heaviest loads, Bien-Air reports, guaranteeing superior durability and resilience. 

For more information, call Bien-Air at (800) 433-2436 or visit bienair.com.

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