Turnkey Digital Marketing Company Brings Leads to You


LeadWhoop offers low-cost, simplified pay-per-click online marketing services that provide new patient inquiries and appointment requests each day, all in a 3-step process that takes 3 to 5 business days to set up. As a Certified Google Partner, the company begins by creating Google search ads to target potential patients in each of its clients’ areas searching for the dental services that they provide. Then, these patients are directed to a landing page where they can submit an appointment request. There is no commitment or expensive investment on the part of the patient or the dentist. The dentist office then contacts the patient to schedule an appointment. Dentists only pay when patients click on their ad to link to their landing page. LeadWhoop also provides weekly summary reports that capture key metrics, such as weekly media spend, total clicks, and average cost per click, showing the program’s return on investment. Live chat with potential patients is available as well.

For more information, call (630) 570-0524 or visit leadwhoop.com.

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