User-Friendly Prophy Handpiece Designed for Ergonomics


Unlike straight prophy handpieces, Osseo Scientific’s Integrity III Prophyhygiene Handpiece features a 45° back end to reduce air tube aggravation and lessen fatigue due to tube drag. Ergonomically designed, its 360° swivel nose cone provides smooth maneuverability with exceptional control. Plus, at 2.4 oz, it is one of the lightest handpieces on the market.

The Integrity III’s friction-grip nose cone will accept all disposable prophy angles and is removable for ease of cleaning and autoclaving. Its powerful, high-torque 5,000-rpm motor will accept all e-type attachments. And, it is offered with a one-year warranty.

For more information, call Osseo Scientific at (866) 618-1720 or visit

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