VPS Impression System Reduces Chairtime

VOCO’s V-Posil VPS impression system reduces both procedural headaches and chair time, according to the company. V-Posil is flavorless and offers up to 2 minutes of adjustable working time, giving practitioners control over the pace of the procedure, while the abbreviated 2-minute thermo-activated set time improves patient comfort and limits procedural time. 

Likewise, V-Posil’s rapid snap set is designed to benefit both the practitioner and patient by reducing the time spent in the critical zone by up to 50%, minimizing potential distortion due to human error, which results in fewer costly retakes. Through V-Posil’s optimized timing, VOCO has been able to combine the working time of a regular set with the short setting time of a fast set in one single material.

Featuring 4 viscosities—2 tray materials in V-Posil Putty Fast and Heavy Soft Fast and 2 wash materials in V-Posil Light Fast and X-Light Fast—V-Posil’s indications include the full range of impression techniques as well as reline/rebase impressions and impressions for removable dental prostheses.

For more information, call VOCO America at (888) 658-2584 or email infousa@voco.com.

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