Wipes Effective Against Viruses Similar to Coronavirus

SciCan’s OPTIM 1 wipes have demonstrated effectiveness against viruses similar to the novel coronavirus on hard, non-porous surfaces and non-invasive medical devices, according to the company. This product can, therefore, be used against SARS-CoV-2 when used in accordance with the directions for use against poliovirus on hard, non-porous surfaces and non-invasive medical devices, SciCan says.

This enveloped virus is part of a family of viruses that can cause a range of illnesses from the common cold to SARS and MERS. What makes this coronavirus unique is that it is a strain never before seen in humans. While it is new, it belongs to a class of viruses that are easier to kill than much tougher viruses like poliovirus or norovirus.

For more information, call SciCan at (800) 667-7733.

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