Wireless Light’s Battery Design Fits Any Frame Temples

DentLight’s Nano Freedom 2 reconfigurable wireless loupe light fits on all major loupes and eyewear. The product is an upgrade to DentLight’s wearable headlights. A small LED lamp (5 g) has two built-in connectors to link to one battery pod for three hours of nonstop operation or two battery pods for six hours. There’s also an option for a battery pack (Nano 2S Plus) for 10 hours of operation.

Unlike other wireless headlights that bear the battery weight on the operator’s nose, making it uncomfortable during a long working day, Nano Freedom 2 has a unique battery design that fits its battery on any frame temples, DentLight says. This allows the battery to disperse its weight evenly across the head for a much more comfortable user experience. In addition, the battery pod uses a proximity sensor for touch-free activation and easy operation. The system is designed for durability, flexibility, and minimal recurring cost for heavy duty daily uses. 

For more information, call(800) 763-6901or visit dentlight.com.

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