X-Ray Unit Offers 3-D, Panoramic, and Cephalometric Capabilities

The J. Morita USA Veraview X800 multifunctional x-ray unit offers 3-D, panoramic, and cephalometric capabilities. Completely redesigned, its practical, unique, and refined features produce stunning images for a thorough evaluation, according to the company.

The Veraview X800’s progressive technology automatically sets the optimal x-ray beam angle horizontally for 3-D or raised 5° for 2-D panoramic images. This slight upward projection for panoramic imaging is designed to enhance image quality by eliminating potential super imposition of anatomical structures, including the shadow from the base of the skull and hard palate over the maxillary teeth. For 3-D imaging, a horizontal beam minimizes distortion and reduces metal artifacts. The X800 unit, therefore, self-adjusts to optimize image quality during both acquisition techniques.

CBCT imaging clarity has also been improved with a reduced voxel size of 80 μm and a resolution of 2.5 lp/mm, J. Morita reports. The X800 offers up to 11 fields of view, covering dental and maxillofacial areas. This model also offers the company’s exclusive 3D Reuleaux Full Arch field of view.

For more information, call (877) JMORITA (566-7482) or visit morita.com/usa.

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