With VirtuCap technology, the XDR Anatomic Sensor captures the Citrix-based PACS system, whether it’s XDR or MiPACS. You will love that the PACS stays in the computer room, while clinicians will love the sensor design. Uniquely designed by dentists, the XDR sensor possesses a patented, maximized mesial imaging area that covers challenging canine-premolar contacts. Its rounded and beveled corners increase patient comfort. Its white face eases sensor placement. The sleek, immersible shell is easy to clean. The sensor has a durable, yet replaceable, Kevlar-reinforced cord. If accidents happen, XDR’s overnight loaners keep you practicing dentistry. XDR’s latest software release provides real-time exposure levels, user-defined sharpening, and patented modalities, such as correction for projective distortion and bidirectional rescaling. For more information, call (844) 937-7000 or visit xdranatomic.com.