Quick Technique

Enhancing Your Practice With Philips ZOOM! QuickPro

Philips ZOOM! QuickPro.
Patient shade change, post-whitening.
Patient pre- and post-whitening shades.

You’ve probably heard these comments on several occasions from your patients considering tooth-whitening: “I don’t want to wear those trays,” or “In-office bleaching is too expensive.” And what do you say when a patient asks, “What about over-the-counter products? Aren’t they just as good?”

Philips has launched an innovative product that addresses these concerns and creates development opportunities plus increased revenue for your practice. This new product is a whitening varnish that fills the gaps among in-office whitening, take-home trays, and retail alternatives.

Over-the-counter products such as GoSmile and Crest 3D Whitening Strips cost approximately $50 to $85 (at amazon.com) and require multiple applications for 30 minutes or more, decreasing compliance. Teeth-whitening stores/stands in malls, spas, tanning salons, and beauty salons typically charge $50 to $200 per treatment and use products that deliver results similar to over-the-counter systems. A Salon & Spa in Michigan charges $99 for an initial 15-minute treatment and another $49 to extend the session for 15 minutes. One in Colorado charges $99 for a single 15- to 20-minute application, $149 for a double, and $199 for a triple application. These costs are restrictive.

Philips ZOOM! QuickPro is a whitening varnish that delivers up to 4 shades whiter teeth in a 2-step process that can be offered as an add-on procedure for adult patients aged 18 years and older. It requires a basic patient setup, a curing light, less than 10 minutes of application time, and approximately 15 to 25 minutes of chair time. This is an excellent addition for practices who seek to offer entry-level whitening alternatives that can introduce patients to whitening. Philips ZOOM! QuickPro can also be paired up as a kick-start custom tray with take-home product such as Philips DayWhite or NiteWhite.

Philips ZOOM! QuickPro protocol is similar to the application of a fluoride varnish. The application process can be implemented during a patient’s hygiene visit or as a whitening touch-up treatment at an additional charge of approximately $120 to $125. This can be the in-office answer to replace over-the-counter whitening merchandise or spa or mall whitening for your patients.

Our office invited 8 patients to receive the Philips ZOOM! QuickPro whitening procedure so we could observe the results. Each patient received a prophylaxis or polish prior to the application. Teeth and gums were dried, and with a microbrush included in the kit, a Liquidam was applied in a ribbon to the gingival margin. Vitamin E (also included in the kit) was applied to the Liquidam. The varnish was then applied to the teeth, leaving a one-mm space between the Liquidam and the brush to prevent the varnish from attaching to the barrier. Because a fan or air syringe cannot be used to dry the varnish, there was a 60-second wait time before applying the sealant layer.

After drying, the Liquidam barrier was dislodged with an explorer at the interproximal spaces prior to removing the barrier in a peeling fashion with cotton pliers. Each patient was then released and instructed to avoid rinsing, drinking, or smoking while wearing the varnish for 30 minutes. Each patient achieved noticeably whiter teeth, with no sensitivity. All felt positive about the experience, noting how quickly results were achieved.

Philips ZOOM! QuickPro has the potential to increase practice revenue. It also provides the opportunity to market a practice to new and existing patients by offering this innovative alternative to other whitening services. It is affordable, efficient, and effective—I recommend it!

Ms. Engelhardt-Nash is a founding member of the National Academy of Dental Management Consultants and served twice as its president. She is also an active member of the American Dental Assistants Association. She can be reached at rdnash@aol.com.