Industry News

Robotic Implant System Gets FDA Clearance

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cleared Neocis to market Yomi, a robotic system that guides surgical instruments during dental implant procedures. It provides assistance in both the planning (preoperative) and surgical (intraoperative) phases of dental implantation surgery.

Yomi delivers physical guidance through the use of haptic robotic technology, which constrains the drill in position, orientation, and depth. The surgeon is in control at all times. And unlike plastic surgical guides, it allows for clear visualization of the surgical site and does not require custom manufacturing. Plus, it provides flexibility during procedures by allowing the surgeon to dynamically change the plan.

“Yomi is a precision instrument that makes sure your implant goes exactly where you planned to put it,” said Jeffrey Ganeles, DMD, a periodontist at the South Florida Center for Periodontics and Implant Dentistry and a founding faculty member at Nova Southeastern College of Dental Medicine. “I’ve done thousands of implants free-hand. Yomi will be a game changed for dental implant surgery.”

Nearly 3 million dental implants are placed each year in the United States by 15,000 dental specialists and nearly 150,000 general practitioners, according to Neocis, with more than 15 million implants placed annually worldwide. The company also reports that the surgical robotics market is expected to reach $20 billion by 2021, and Yomi is the only surgical robotic system focused on the dental industry.

“Showing my patients the benefits of robotic guidance with Yomi gives them comfort,” said Federico Grande, DDS, MD, and oral surgeon with the Center for Specialized Dentistry. “They know they are getting state-of-the-art treatment and reliable results.”

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