Industry News

Schneider Named Dental Director of Delta Dental of Arizona

Heather Schneider, DDM, has joined Delta Dental of Arizona as dental director, bringing a dentist’s perspective to the management team of the state’s top dental insurance carrier, the company said. She previously served the organization in a part-time consulting role, assisting with dental claims reviews.

As dental director, Schneider now oversees Delta Dental of Arizona’s dental consultants and the utilization management program, which the company called a key tool in controlling the cost of dental benefits.

Schneider also will focus on strengthening relationships with network dentists and assisting with product development, Delta Dental of Arizona said. She will work closely with the Delta Dental of Arizona Board of Directors and serve on its Dental Policy Committee as well.

“Dr. Schneider brings a fresh perspective, energy, and invaluable first-hand knowledge of patient care and dental practice management to our day-to-day business,” said Allan Allford, president and CEO of Delta Dental of Arizona.

“Her work in the industry, first as a dental assistant and then as a dentist, as well as her extensive training and experience in dental administration, dental education, and clinical dentistry, gives her invaluable insight and makes her uniquely qualified to ensure we continue to provide evidence-based benefits coverage, serve our stakeholders well, and grow our membership,” Allford said.

Schneider earned her DDM from the Arizona School of Dental and Oral Health at AT Still University and completed an Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency through NYU Lutheran Hospitals in Mesa, Arizona.

With a special interest in dental education, Schneider serves as an adjunct instructional dentist at AT Still University and is involved with the American Institute of Dental Assisting, where she supports the education of dental assisting students.

Schneider also is an active member of the ADA, the Arizona State Dental Association, the Central Arizona Dental Society, the Academy of General Dentists, and the American Dental Education Association.

Additionally, Schneider has served on several committees at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health including Admissions, Student Success, Faculty Development, and Faculty Learning. She has written for Dentistry Today as well.

“Dr. Schneider is known by our team as well as by her patients, students, and colleagues for her genuine ability to care for, uplift, support, and connect with people,” said Allford. “We are excited to welcome her to our team as we work together with our network dentists, brokers, and group clients to improve Arizonans’ oral health.”

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