Search for: cosmetic dentistry

APEX: Opening dental students’ eyes to a new kind of dentistry

MADISON, Wis. (8/10/12)—Last year’s APEX Scholarship recipients described their experience at the American Academy...


The SNAP cosmetic simulator now provides marketing materials on how to easily reach out...

SNAP Imaging Systems – Cosmetic Simulation Software

SNAP cosmetic simulation software is a must-have tool for generating interest in and increasing...

Cosmetic Nightmare! Composite Success!

INTRODUCTION In restorative dentistry, we are introduced to a plethora of conditions that can...

Making Implant Dentistry Easier and Less Costly

INTRODUCTION The most challenging aspect of restoring dental implants is dealing with the location...

Follow the Cosmetic Pyramid for Optimal Aesthetic Results

INTRODUCTION The patient who desires an aesthetically-enhanced smile oftentimes has difficulty expressing his or...


SNAP Instant Cosmetic Simulation software is designed to increase your cosmetic revenue from the...

General Dentistry as a Specialty

PREFACE Definition Dentistry is defined as the evaluation, diagnosis, prevention and/or treatment (nonsurgical, surgical...

Bioesthetic Dentistry, Part 2

INTRODUCTION In part 1, the principles of Bioesthetic Dentistry and the preliminary diagnosis based...

An Alternative Approach to Cosmetic Space Closure

INTRODUCTION Nowadays, a great premium is placed on aesthetics with cosmetic solutions being sought...