Cover Story
Current Paradigm Shifts in Dentistry
Many changes are taking place in the dental profession, some of them very significant....
Creating the New Face of Dentistry: Dental Spas
The face of dentistry is changing from smile makeover to entire face makeover. The...
Rediscovering the Artistic Beauty of Dentistry With Porcelain Veneers
Dentistry is experiencing an aesthetic revolution. This revolution began late in the last century...
Cover Story
The Many Uses of Cosmetic Imaging
Realistic and clinically accurate full-face digital cosmetic simulation is gaining momentum as an important...
New Directions
New Directions in Dentistry
Based on my activities with Clinical Research Associates as senior consul-tant, my educational projects...
Bite Treatment, Part 1: Applying the “Puppy Dog Sales Technique” to Dentistry
Many dentists do not like the term “sell,” and they like even less to...
Metal-Free Dentistry: Restoration of Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisors
Dentistry has changed. Patients no longer come to the office for traditional, “drilling, filling,...
Blue-Collar Cosmetics: Alternative Approaches to Building Beautiful Smiles
Rich or poor, most Americans have televisions. Like it or not, TV is America’s...
Minimally Invasive Dentistry: A Family Benefits
Imagine, if you will, that a woman calls the dental office for appointments for...
The Art of Temporization: Facial Changes Through Aesthetic Dentistry
It is suddenly really “cool” to be a dentist! These are incredible times for...