Making Contact Just Got Easier: Making Class II Composite Restorations More Predictable
INTRODUCTION One problem that is an all too common occurrence with the Class II...
Are You Treating Planned Cases or Treating Teeth to Stay Busy?
INTRODUCTION Historically, dentistry has been a “fix-it-to-relieve-pain” profession. Patients present when they have pain,...
Difficult Case Types: Part 2, A Discussion of Adult Short-Term Orthodontics
INTRODUCTION In part 1 of this article, I discussed the evolution and rationale of...
First Impressions
First Impressions: August 2012
In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...
Full-Mouth Reconstruction: The Importance of Treatment Planning in Restoring Aesthetics and Function
BACKGROUND Many times, we are faced with patients who have neglected their teeth and...
First Impressions
First Impressions: July 2012
In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...
The Zirconia-Based Porcelain Veneer
Dentistry is both an art and science requiring today’s practitioner to be versatile and...
Dental Materials
Zirconia: Clinical Impressions: An In Vivo Comparison of the Aesthetics of Various Zirconia Crowns
INTRODUCTION There are many developments in dental materials with each passing year, but one...
Composite Resins and Vertical Dimension: Treating Severely Worn Lower Incisors
INTRODUCTION Aging patients present unique challenges that require innovative solutions. Each patient treatment should...
First Impressions
First Impressions: June 2012
In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...