Search for: dental practices

Clean Hands Count on World Hand Hygiene Day

How well do you scrub up when you see your patients? The World Health...

Service With a Smile

As dentists, we provide services that can transform smiles and lives. We have the...

Putting Material Science to Work: Use of a Self-Polishing, Universal Nanohybrid Composite

INTRODUCTION After more than 30 years of clinical use, there are few materials in...

Immediate Placement of SDIs in the Maxillary Arch: Immediate Post-Extraction Placement

INTRODUCTION Small-diameter (mini) implants (SDIs) have proven to be very predictable for the stabilization...

Man Arrested for Selling Counterfeit Drills

Authorities in the United Kingdom have arrested and convicted Dilbar Dishad for the illegal...

Trends in Prosthodontics: A Q&A with Dr. Douglas G. Benting

Prosthodontists are playing a larger role in dental care. And as demographics and technologies...

Henry Schein Special Markets Holds 10th National Sales Meeting

More than 200 Team Schein members and 100 representatives from 60 supplier companies gathered...

Infection Control Conference Scheduled for San Diego

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) will present its 2016 Annual Conference...

Celebrate National Prosthodontics Awareness Week

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) recognizes its own with National Prosthodontics Awareness Week...

Implant Practice

Figure 1. The patient reception room at Goldstein, Garber & Salama. INTRODUCTION The clinicians...