Todays Dental News

Five Principles of Success for Top Performing Dental Practices

Over the last 30 years, Levin Group has conducted an ongoing study of practices that perform within the top 10% in production and collections. Our focus with every client is increasing production, so we wanted to determine if

Todays Dental News

Today’s Dental Practices Need On Point Messaging to Improve Oral and Systemic Health

Sponsored Editorial Within every challenge lies distinct opportunity. The pandemic has taken its toll on dentistry, and every practice is working diligently to see its total patient base safely return. Herein lies the opportunity. There has never been

Industry News

Dental Practices Drastically Reduced Their Marketing Efforts in 2020

Dentists significantly reduced their marketing efforts in 2020, according to DMscore, which ranks practices against regional competitors on a scale of one to 100. Single practices struggled for visibility the most, as only 1.44% had a score over

Todays Dental News

How Data Breaches Impact Dental Practices During a Pandemic

Data breaches have emerged as a more significant threat and also a more likely threat than on-site break-ins. They are especially troublesome for dental and medical practices, as the theft of patient information has the potential to ruin a

Industry News

Dental Practices See Slight Uptick in 2021

Dental practices are seeing a second rebound in the early days of 2021, according to the ADA Health Policy Institute (HPI) January 18 biweekly poll. However, PPE supplies remain challenging for many practices. Plus, dental practices are taking

Industry News

3Shape to Supply TRIOS Suite to Aspen Dental Practices

Aspen Dental Management Inc (ADMI) and 3Shape have partnered to bring 3Shape’s technology to ADMI’s nearly 900 locations nationwide. The deal includes 3Shape’s TRIOS 4 intraoral scanner, Dental System software, and apps designed to enhance the patient experience.

Season 2

The Renewed PPP Can Help Dental Practices

The federal Paycheck Protection Program has been updated to provide additional help to small businesses including dental practices. Mark Schmidt, CEO of the Fund-Ex Solutions Group, explains changes in the legislation, expanded uses for the funding, and how

Industry News

The Pandemic Will Continue to Affect Dental Practices in 2021

In its State of the Dental Industry Report 2021, Vyne polled more than 400 dental practices in the United States to understand how they transformed in 2020 as well as their perspectives as they had into the new

Industry News

Patient Volumes at Dental Practices Continue to Decline

After a pandemic-era peak during the week of August 24, patient volumes continue to decline, according to the ADA Health Policy Institute’s November 16 biweekly poll.

Kits Enable Dental Practices to Start Providing Teeth Whitening Treatment

The GLO Science Professional Whitening Success Starter Kit includes everything that dental practices need to launch a successful whitening program and start providing treatments right away, according to the company. The kit includes GLO’s award-winning whitening technology, in-office