Search for: dental restorations

Same-Day Indirect Ceramic Polymer Inlays/Onlays

INTRODUCTION More and more people are demanding reliable, functional, and aesthetic alternatives to conventional...

Biomimesis: A Bioengineering Concept Applied to Dentistry

INTRODUCTION Biomimesis, a bioengineering concept that means mimicking natural biologic essence, is the key...

In-Office Custom Abutments and Long-Term Provisionals

When using a cementable crown, implant prosthetics require that an abutment head be placed...

Beautiful Smiles: Still in Demand in Today’s Economy!

Today, more and more people are becoming aware of what cosmetic dentistry has to...

Aesthetic Rehabilitation of an Existing PFM Bridge

INTRODUCTION Almost all dentists have been faced with the challenge of rehabilitating an existing...

Solving Dilemmas in Clinical Practice

In a “perfect world,” we welcome a new patient to our practice, diagnose, treatment...

No-Prep Veneers: A Realistic Option

INTRODUCTION The ability to predictably bond thin pieces of tooth-colored restorative material to teeth...

Patient Demand Is Increasing for Posterior Aesthetics

INTRODUCTION The demand for aesthetics in restorative dentistry has risen dramatically in the last...

The Immediate Provisional Hybrid

A growing patient population is missing some or all of their teeth. In the...

The Truth About Small-Diameter Implants

Images 1a and 1b. A typical conventional diameter implant has a blunt end necessitating...