Search for: dental restorations

Moving Up With Digital Impression Technology

Several years ago, I became convinced that digital technology was ultimately going to take...

Creating Lifelike Aesthetics Using Direct Composites

Clinicians are often called upon to re-restore the dentition of patients who have had...

First Impressions: August 2009

In First Impressions, George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...

Key Implant Positions: Treatment Planning Using the Canine and First Molar Rules

Historically, treatment planning for implant dentistry was mainly driven by the existing bone volume...

Seven Signs and Symptoms of Occlusal Disease: The Key to an Easy Diagnosis

Occlusal disease (OD) is a far more destructive disease than most people realize. Dr....

Today’s Composite Resins Part 2: Versatile, Aesthetic, and Conservative

Part 1 | Part 2 Composite resin formulations have un­dergone significant evolution in re­cent...

Selecting the Right Temporary Cement

Selecting the appropriate temporary cement for the right situation is one of the critical...

Today’s Composite Resins Part 1: Versatile, Aesthetic, and Conservative

Part 1 | Part 2 Composite resin formulations have undergone significant evolution in recent years, and clinicians...

A Comparison of Advanced Resin Monomer Technologies

The evolution in composite resin technology has evidenced numerous im­provements over the last half-century...

First Impressions: July 2009

In First Impressions George freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that...