
A Unique Opportunity: New Role for Hygienists in Modern Practices

INTRODUCTION The evolution of technology has had a profound effect on dentistry. Advances in dental materials to progressive innovations in clinical techniques make dentistry more efficient, aesthetic, and even kinder to the patient. Dental hygienists can learn how


New Technology: Mandatory, Elective, or Hype?

In recent years, dental practitioners have been overwhelmed with the claims made by manufacturers about many new and emerging technologies. As a result, there is significant confusion among practitioners about whether a new technology is better or even

Oral-Systemic Connection

The Future of Dental Care: Maintaining Patient Health

Dr. Damon Adams, Dentistry Today’s editor-in-chief, posed the following written questions to Drs. Neil Gottehrer, Jack L. Martin, and Daniel Casullo. All the authors met to collectively answer and compile their responses to each question. There has been


Supragingival Dentistry: Easier and Healthier Restorative Care

Figure 1. Inflammation and unsightly margins typically observed with subgingival margins on existing maxillary PFM crowns. Figure 2. Preoperative view before veneer preparation. The young male patient was unhappy with aesthetics of his teeth. Figure 3. Immediately after


Versatile CAD/CAM Digital Impression Technology

We must accept the fact that the world around us is literally changing daily. Our profession is no different than the rest of the world; change is rapid and inevitable (like death and taxes) in dentistry! For long-term


Excellence and Predictability: Not an Accident!

I feel the 2 most important things I can do to ensure future practice growth in my areas of interest, cosmetic and restorative dentistry, is to develop a reputation for delivering excellent results that my patients all love,


Copy Existing Tooth Form to Retrofit to an RPD Accurately: An Ideal CAD/CAM Application

One of the most vexing and difficult procedures in restorative dentistry is that of retrofitting a crown under an existing, removable partial denture. Personally, I have tried just about every technique available. I have always found that the


Multipurpose Removable Appliance Offers Many Benefits

In nearly 20 years of dentistry, I have encountered a vast number of situations in which patients were clearly in need of an aesthetically pleasing, noninvasive treatment approach, yet no ideal treatment option was available. As we know,


Pediatric CAD/CAM Applications for the General Practitioner: Part 2

In the United States, CAD/CAM restorative dentistry is becoming more common-place in the general practice, and practitioners who utilize this technology are always looking for new ways to implement it into their daily work.1,2 Last month, in Part


Quadrant Rehabilitation With Implants and CAD/CAM Crowns

Dental implants offer a predictable and efficient option for replacement of missing posterior teeth.1 Implant selection, surgical technique, occlusion, and restorative materials are all important factors in treatment success.2 When multiple teeth are missing in a quadrant, particular