
Advantages of Electric-Driven Handpieces During Tooth Preparation

As amalgam restorations break down and need to be replaced, composite restorations are becoming the restoration of choice for many dental practices. For composite restorations to be a viable alternative to amalgam, the restorations must be placed in


Steps to Redesign Smiles Using Current Technology and Materials

Figure 1. Preoperative maxillary labial view. Figure 2. Preoperative maxillary anterior radiographs. Figure 3. Preoperative maxillary lingual view. Figure 4. Easyshade device, tooth No. 6. Figure 5. Try-in of Fiber White post on tooth No. 9. Figure 6.


Aesthetic Restorations Made Predictable With New Technology

Advances in dental technology and cosmetic dentistry have helped solve the problems of patients, the dentist, and office staff. Todays baby boomer generation is demanding more and more cosmetic procedures in order to look and feel younger. This


Combating the Adverse Effects of Bruxism in One Visit

Patients suffering from cracked tooth syndrome are usually very aware of a dental problem because of common symptoms that include chewing pain  and increased sensitivity. However, there is often no dental decay present and virtually no radiographic evidence


Efficient, Aesthetic Quadrant Dentistry

As a nation of educated people, we usually choose quality healthcare and often seek out the best. Although many factors play a part in the type of care delivered, Americans still retain the freedom of choice. The high


Combining Technologies for Single-Visit Treatment

Dental care is changing to meet the needs of today’s patients’ lifestyles. For example, taking off from work to repair a tooth is a problem in our fast-paced society. This article describes a case where laser and CAD/CAM