Todays Dental News
Videos Take Lighthearted Look at Digital Dentistry
If you think clinical videos are dull, then you haven’t seen Dr. Joel Henriod’s...
Single Posterior Implant Crown Fabrication: Cement-On Versus Screw-Retained Crowns
INTRODUCTION As clinicians, we must often make decisions on the restoration of our dental...
Full-Mouth Rehabilitation: A Case Study
INTRODUCTION Our society has become one of impatience in the quest for immediate satisfaction....
Maintaining Facial Bone During Extractions
INTRODUCTION As implant dentistry becomes more routine for replacement of nonrestorable teeth, it becomes...
So What’s Eating You? Resorption Case Using an Aesthetic Abutment
INTRODUCTION One of the great challenges that we face in dentistry is matching a...
Restoration of Severely Atrophic Jaws
Historically, the severely atrophic edentulous jaw has been a troublesome challenge for dentistry. Before...
Chairside Implant Abutments: A Novel CAD/CAM Approach
INTRODUCTION While dental implants have become a standard of care for various indications, there...
The Mobile Implant Practitioner
When my colleagues ask me where my practice is, and I tell them that...
Three Breakthrough Implant Procedures
MICROEVOLUTION OF IMPLANT DENTISTRY The world of dental implants has seen many changes since...
Small-Diameter Implants for Single-Unit Restorations
INTRODUCTION By now, many dentists have heard about the use of mini dental implants...