
Aesthetic Rehabilitation Involving a Cleft Lip and Palate

Dental aesthetics is not just a popular topic within the dental community, it is also at the forefront of public interest. In general this “trend” has been economically beneficial to the profession. However, there have been cases in


The Hygiene Handoff: A Fail-Proof Way to Increase Productivity and Decrease Stress

Great hygienists are always looking for ways to help their patients understand, believe, and accept their recommended treatment plans. They spend the time required to develop a strong, trusting relationship with their patients. By the end of a

Doctor-Technician Perspectives

Future Challenges for the Doctor-Technician Team

This article will highlight some important aspects in the relationship between the dentist and the dental technician along with the impact of today’s healthcare challenges on their respective responsibilities. Among these is access to dental healthcare, the increase

Oral Medicine

Doctor, Why Wasn’t I Told This Before?

To set up the premise and discussion points for this article we will begin simply with a description of 2 cases involving orofacial pain, and then describe the condition known as burning mouth syndrome (BMS). CASE 1 Mrs.

Clinical Update

Interdisciplinary Cooperation and Osteoporosis

Physicians and dentists should collaborate to improve early detection and treatment of patients who have or may develop osteoporosis, say researchers in the cover story of the May 2008 issue of the Journal of the American Dental Association.


Managing Periodontal Disease in a Patient Suffering From Renal Failure

Studies have shown an association between periodontal diseases and prevalent renal insufficiency that is treated with hemodialysis.1 Research has demonstrated that patients on hemodialysis have an increased periodontal index that increases with the duration of the dialysis.2 Periodontal

Clinical Update

Children’s Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease affecting American children, 5 times more common than asthma, according to a report by the United States Surgeon General. And reversing a half century of progress, recent CDC data shows

Practice Management

Ten Ways to Improve Your Practice: Time-Tested Principles-Based on an Interview With Dick Barnes, DDS

The “Barnes Principles for Creating a Successful Cosmetic Dental Practice,” as they are known, reach areas of personal and professional practice much deeper and more significantly than mere case acceptance. Dick Barnes, DDS, has cultivated a fundamental system


Understanding Dental Fear

From the days of Wells and Morton, the profession of dentistry has been at the forefront of healthcare in the development of pain control. Today, many of the outpatient anesthesia techniques employed by our colleagues in medicine for


The Standard of Care for Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment for Reducing the Dental Risk for Cardiac Disease

It has been estimated that as many as 60 million consumers in the United States have periodontal disease, an estimated 35% of the adult population needing care.1 It is now possible, utilizing evidence-based technology and supported care, that