Search for: oral healthcare

Medication Prevents Severe Oral Mucositis in Cancer Patients

Many patients with head, neck, nasal, and oral cancers who are treated with radiation...

Study to Explore Link Between Herpesvirus and Oral Inflammation

A five-year, $2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health will help University...

81% of Refugees Suffer from Poor Oral Health

Four out of five refugees attending mobile dental clinics in refugee camps in Northern...

HbA1c In-Office Testing Code Increases Oral-Systemic Opportunities

The Delta Dental Plans Association suggested an hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) in-office point of service...

Petition Aims to End the Sales of Dangerously Acidic Oral Moisturizers

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia or hyposalivation, is a growing issue plaguing people...

Report Ranks States With the Best and Worst Oral Health

Dental care continues to vary depending on where you live, as has released...

Report Examines State Strategies for Improving Seniors’ Oral Health

Following the release of A State of Decay, Volume IV, a state by state...

Philips Symposium Addresses Connections Between Oral and Systemic Health

Philips Oral Healthcare’s Scientific Symposium, held June 18-19 in Amsterdam, examined the mounting scientific...

Rural Seniors Have Poorer Oral Health Than Their Urban Counterparts

Senior citizens living in rural areas have poorer health outcomes compared to their urban...

Campaign Aims to Educate Parents About Oral Health

The Children’s Dental Health Project (CDHP) and UnitedHealthcare are releasing radio and TV public...