Soft-Tissue Root Coverage: Clinical Rationale and Case Report
Although tissue grafting for root coverage is not a new concept,1 periodontal plastic surgery...
Dental Hygiene’s Influence on the Marketability and Value of a Dental Practice
The contribution of the hygiene department can influence both the tangible and intangible aspects...
The Creation of an Ovate Pontic at the Time of Extraction
Figure 1. Tooth extraction has been accomplished by the oral surgeon. Figure 2. A...
The Future of Periodontal Diagnostic Testing
Traditionally, periodontal disease has been diagnosed by a radiographic and clinical examination including the...
Adjunctive Orchestrated Orthodontic Therapy: A New Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry
The goal of appearance-related dental rehabilitation is the re-establishment of a healthy, maintainable, aesthetic,functional...
The Aesthetic Edge A New Approach to Smile Design
Dentists who are experienced with cosmetic treatment know that subtle variations in the shapes...
Professional Standards, Personal Responsibility
One of the best parts of being a hygienist in a dental practice is...
Bleaching for Various Complexions
Bleaching is the most popular advance made in cosmetic dentistry in the past few...
Trends in Dental Hygiene: Shaping the Way Dental Practitioners Do Business
Wouldn’t it be great if you had a crystal ball and could foresee the...
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) became law in 1996. The purpose...