CE Articles

Conservative Treatment of the Worn Dentition With Adhesive Composite Resin

Epidemiologic data indicate that the population is aging and retaining its teeth. As this occurs, wear of the incisal edges of anterior teeth will become a significant clinical problem. In most cases, attrition of the mandibular incisors is


The Functional and Aesthetic Indications for Soft- Tissue (Gingival) Grafting

The healthy soft tissue surrounding the natural dentition is composed of the gingiva and alveolar mucosa, which are clearly demarcated into clinically identifiable zones. The free gingiva begins at the gingival margin, which is normally located 1 to

Infection Control

Infection Control Practices for Dental Radiography

When taking dental radiographs, there is significant potential for cross-contamination of equipment and environmental surfaces with blood and/or saliva if proper aseptic techniques are not practiced. Dental healthcare personnel (DHCP) also can be at risk. Research indicates that


Endodontic Diagnosis Mystery or Mastery?

Countless articles and recent endodontic textbooks have focused on the science and art of endodontic diagnosis.1-6  Most of this literature is dedicated to pulpal histology and endodontic tests. The distinction of this article is threefold. First, it is


Jump—Start Case Acceptance Through Your Hygiene Department: R-E-A-C-H for Success

Dental offices around the country are again beginning to feel the effects of Reality TV, and that’s not such a bad thing! As the new hit TV series “Extreme Makeovers” is renewed for a second season, it seems

Oral Medicine

Sinusitis As a Source of Dental Pain

Figure 1. Sagittal view of the maxillary sinus showing the proximity of the roots of the maxillary teeth Figure 2. Periapical radiograph of maxillary teeth and sinus floor There are 7 sinuses (air-filled cavities) in the head. They


Occlusal Interference: Dentistry’s Great Imposter

Figure 1. Patient presents with teeth showing wear. Patients in pain are sometimes difficult to diagnose if the pain is not caused by one of the classic etiologies such as deep decay leading to pulpitis, periodontal abscess due


Clinical Applications of Appliance Therapy in General Dental Practice, Part 2 Temporary Partial Dentures

In part 1 of this series, the early treatment of anterior cross-bites in children was discussed, including examples of the type of interceptive orthodontics that simple appliance therapy can accomplish. In this article, the clinical applications of temporary


Everything I Know About Endodontics, I Learned After Dental School, Part 1

If you graduated from dental school in the last few years, you need not read any further, but if you graduated from dental school more than 5 years ago, I invite you to please read on. The field


The Paper Point Technique, Part 2

In part 1 of this 2-part article on paper point measurements, the rationale behind the technique was presented. As with all new techniques, there is a learning curve. In order to speed the learning process and minimize the