Industry News
Risk of Death Doubles for Edentulous Heart Disease Patients
Coronary heart disease patients with no teeth face twice the risk of death as...
Industry News
Osteoporosis Treatment May Fight Gum Disease, Too
The risk of osteoporosis increases with age. As it sets in, so can periodontitis,...
Industry News
Oravital Inc. Showcasing its Advanced Periodontal Infection Diagnosis and Treatment System During its GNYDM Debut
Oravital Inc., which recently launched the Oravital® periodontal and breath odor diagnosis and treatment...
Todays Dental News
Top Periodontal Researcher Takes ADA Gold Medal
With more than 400 publications that have been cited more than 12,000 times, Dr....
Industry News
Cardiovascular Disease Linked to Unfinished Root Canals
Root canal treatments (RCTs), though necessary, can be painful, complicated, and expensive. Whether it’s...
Industry News
Biomarkers Tallied for Peri-Implant Disease Potential
Dental implants can be effective in replacing failed or missing teeth, ensuring aesthetics and...
Industry News
Protein Blocks Bone Loss in Gum Disease
Bone loss is one of the most significant consequences of periodontitis. Yet researchers at...
Industry News
Rheumatoid Arthritis Linked to Gum Disease
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) affects the joints, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness. Anyone can get...
Industry News
Oral Microbes Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
Nearly 44 million people worldwide have Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which impairs memory, induces disorientation,...
Industry News
More Evidence Connects Gum and Heart Disease
Periodontitis has been known as a risk factor for heart disease for some time....