First Impressions

First Impressions: June 2010

In First Impressions George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience. Under Armour Performance Mouthwear Bite Tech All too often, dental practitioners see teenagers

Cover Story

Aesthetic Dentistry for Tots and Teens

For best results you should view our Streaming Webcasts with version 6 or higher of QuickTime. INTRODUCTION Today’s parents are concerned about aesthetics for their children. Aesthetic dentistry can provide the beautiful smile that both parents and children

Oral Cancer Screening

The Risk of Omission: Alarming New Oral Cancer Trends

If you or a loved one has ever been the recipient of a medical diagnosis that leaves your life hanging in the balance, you can fully appreciate how devastating a diagnosis of oral cancer can be. If you


Porcelain Veneers: Providing Beautiful Aesthetics

Introduction Because of their beauty and strength, today’s porcelains offer unparalleled options for different cosmetic and restorative challenges. Researchers and manufacturers have been very effective in developing and providing modern materials that yield excellent bond strengths to tooth

Infection Control

Representative Infection Control Issues and Concerns

Photo: Getty Images Occupational Safety and Health Association requires provider and patient to wear proper eyewear to protect against airborne infections The most recent comprehensive infection control guidelines and recommendations for dentistry were published in 2003.1 An “evidence-based”


Supragingival Dentistry: Easier and Healthier Restorative Care

Figure 1. Inflammation and unsightly margins typically observed with subgingival margins on existing maxillary PFM crowns. Figure 2. Preoperative view before veneer preparation. The young male patient was unhappy with aesthetics of his teeth. Figure 3. Immediately after

Dental Materials

The Custom Impression Tray: Fabrication and Utilization

A dimensionally accurate impression is one of the primary determinants for a precise fitting indirect restoration. The clinical success of the indirect restoration requires a precise working model and thus depends upon the accuracy of the final impression.1


Self-Etch Bonding Agents

BUYERS’ GUIDE Self-Etch Bonding Agents   Click Here to view Comparison Chart George Freedman, DDSChandana Jain, DDS HOW TO READ THE BUYERS’ GUIDELight curingSelf-etching adhesives typically require light curing for polymerization. Generally, light-cured adhesives exhibit stronger bonding to


Simplifying Direct Composites With New Material Technology

Over the past 40 to 45 years, we have seen a dramatic progression in dental adhesives since Buonocore introduced the technique of etching enamel with phosphoric acid to improve the adhesion to enamel.1 In fact, the first dental


A Simplified All-Ceramic System for Complex Cases

Dental professionals constantly strive to choose the best materials and techniques possible in order to deliver successful, aesthetic, and predictable restorative outcomes that will be most beneficial to their patients. Historically, this endeavor has been challenging when the