
Bleaching: Preventing Common Problems

What’s the biggest problem with tooth whitening? If you answered anything other than “Sensitivity!” you haven’t been paying attention. What’s the second biggest problem? Compliance! The question is, “Why?” I suggest there are 2 reasons: the first is


A Profitable Hygiene System: Not an Undervalued Practice Resource, Part 2

Dental offices have an ethical obligation to provide the best care for their patients. All too often, dental practices cling to old beliefs such as, “Our hygiene department is a loss leader.” Experienced hygienists with excellent communication skills

First Impressions

First Impressions: January 2009

 In First Impressions, Dr. George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience. Venus White Heraeus Kulzer Tooth-whitening products are very commonplace in the dental


Full-Mouth Reconstruction of Bulimic-Ravaged Teeth Using Direct Composites: A Case Presentation

A female patient, “Mary”, over 50-years-old, in declared good health except for body weight, presented stating that she has been bulimic for more than a decade. Her wish was to get medical help for her eating disorder and

Oral Medicine

You’re the Only Chance I Have!

I had barely walked in the door and introduced myself when Bob, a very bright engineer, started to talk. “I know you’re not supposed to be able to help me,” he blurted out, “because everything I read says


Preparing Your Office and Team for the Care of Geriatric Patients

The United States now has the largest and fastest-growing population of older adults in its history. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)1, the number of older Americans, aged 65 or older, will double during the next

Oral Diagnosis

Be a Hero and Save Your Patients’ Lives!

Oral cancer. Throughout their entire career, these are 2 words that every dentist hopes that they will never have to say in relaying a diagnosis to a patient. Oral cancer kills one American every hour of every single


A “Recipe for Success” With Posterior Composites Utilizing Preheated Resins

It has been nearly 4 decades since the introduction of direct posterior composite resins as an alternative to metallic restorations, most specifically amalgams. They were first met with doubt and skepticism which was borne out of myriad shortcomings,


Beyond the Teeth: Framing Your Patient’s Beautiful Smile

Lip and perioral augmentation has increased in popularity in North America. In the 2007 report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons on data gathered in 2006, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures increased 8%, with more than 9 million

First Impressions

First Impressions: October 2008

In First Impressions George freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience.       Retract Gingival Retractors Danville Materials Years ago, practitioners occasionally saw