
A Template-Driven Approach to Direct Composite Bonding

Mention direct composite bonding to the great majority of dentists and expect a shudder. Perhaps no other process elicits the anxiety associated with having to “create” from “scratch,” if you will, a pleasing smile rehabilitation. The dentist’s artistic


Posterior Direct Composites: Clinical Protocol

Advances in adhesive dentistry combined with new developments in composite materials offer an option for patients who demand durable, aesthetic posterior direct restorations. While amalgam restorations have many advantages, such as being inexpensive, easy to place, and long-lasting,


Rediscovering the Artistic Beauty of Dentistry With Porcelain Veneers

Dentistry is experiencing an aesthetic revolution. This revolution began late in the last century and continues to accelerate today. In 2004 Bacon’s MediaSource reported that the average monthly circulation of print articles about cosmetic dentistry peaked at 40

Cover Story

Patient-Centered Treatment Planning: Part 1

As part of our formal training to become dentists we are taught to diagnose, treatment plan, and present dentistry to our patients. Part of the presentation phase is educating patients about the conditions, consequences if treatment is not

First Impressions

First Impressions: January 2007

In First Impressions, George Freedman, DDS, gives readers a brief summary of products that have recently been introduced to dentistry, based on his clinical experience. One-Up Bond F Plus Tokuyama Dental The hallmarks of a successful adhesive include


Antimicrobial Host Response Therapy in Periodontics: A Modern Way to Manage Disease, Part 2

Interest in conservative management of periodontal disease has increased rapidly in the past year in private, academic, and commercial sectors. This renewed interest results from clinical research being done showing possible connections between cardiovascular disease and other serious

CE Articles

Managing Stress With Composite Resin, Part 2: The Class V Restoration

Part 1 of this article presented information regarding the composite restorative-tooth interface. This interface is constantly subject to internal stress and strain caused by polymerization shrinkage forces during placement of composite resins. Another stress that can compromise the


Articulators: Should We Accept the Status Quo? A Doctor-Technician Liaison’s Perspective

Experiencing our profession as a doctor-technician liaison is like looking through a unique, interdisciplinary window into our complex technological and relationship-based professions. This has allowed me to have an insider’s look at many of the current “realities” in


Work Smarter! Let Your Computers Work Harder! Five Free Computer Habits to Increase Practice Profitability

Computers have profoundly changed the ways an efficient dental practice operates. This article discusses 5 new habits your staff should acquire to make their jobs easier and make your practice more profitable. You do not need to change

Clinical Update

Resolvin E1 and Periodontitis

Periodontal disease is similar to other chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, where inflammation causes tissue damage and is responsible for the disease. To date, the prevention of periodontal disease is limited to successful oral hygiene and regular