Cover Story

The Many Uses of Cosmetic Imaging

Realistic and clinically accurate full-face digital cosmetic simulation is gaining momentum as an important aid for presentation, planning, and delivery of more predictable anterior dentistry. It is an incredibly powerful and welcome tool for more intimate dentist/patient communication


Aesthetic Reconstruction of “Meth Mouth”

Due to the rise in use of methamphetamine (meth) in the United States, dental professionals should be aware of the effects of this dangerous recreational drug and treatment considerations for these drug users.1 Methamphetamine is not only a

Cover Story

Chairside All-Ceramic CAD/CAM Veneers With Lab-Assisted Cutback and Aesthetic Porcelain Buildup: Case Report

Recently, one of my technology-savvy patients told me about how he enjoys being able to “timeshift.” The first thing I thought was maybe he invented some sort of time machine. Turns out, that is not too far from


Sustaining Doctor/Technician Relationships

Today, more than ever, we are highly dependent on effective interpersonal relationships with our laboratory technicians in order to accomplish the best in form, function, and aesthetics. Selection of the right dental laboratory is a serious decision with


Digital Photographic Case Documentation for TMJ Disorders and Sleep Apnea Treatment

Photographic case documentation is an essential part of record keeping in the dental office. Digital photography allows the integration of patient data into the computer, projection onto the overhead monitor, transfer into the printer for hard copy, and


A Systematic Approach to Dento-Facial Smile Evaluation Using Digital Photography and a New Photographic View

Although many experts have described the individual aspects and parameters for a dento-facial evaluation, a systematic approach to managing this information needs to be implemented. This will ensure consistent results and avoid the realization, after finishing a case,


How to Integrate Computer Technology Into the Practice: Maximizing Your Investment

The ultimate and definitive solution…”; “total control…”; “easy to use…”; “fully integrated…”; “seamless flow of data …”; “revolutionary…” Practice management software packages and dental technologies claim to do a lot. Some systems sound like they will lead you


Tooth Whitening: Addressing the Sensitivity Problem

Most of us fear the inevitable reality of growing old and losing our youthful vivacity. Nowhere is this more apparent than with that infamous demographic group, the baby boomers. With the dominance of this group in the population,


Enhancing Combination In-Office and Take-Home Tooth Whitening: A Case Report

Today, conservative smile enhancements are routine procedures in many dental practices, and the most common and least invasive method for quickly changing someone’s smile is in-office tooth whitening. Whether for a “pick-me-up” or because the dentition is noticeably


Access to Success, Part 4: The Challenge of Communicating With Your Endodontic Patient

There’s an old marketing maxim that says, “Confused customers don’t buy.” Clear, concise communication is important in all aspects of dentistry, but with the endodontic patient, establishing a positive rapport is especially critical. Unfortunately, an endo patient in