
Ultrasonic Scalers: Clinical Use and Benefits

A myriad of new products have been introduced that have revolutionized periodontal therapy in the past several years. Many of the recognized brand names have survived the test of time, offering the benefit of reducing hand and wrist


A Marketer’s Take on Practice Building

All businesses need to have an ongoing marketing effort in order to maintain their level of sales and, hopefully, grow. Marketing budgets vary greatly among different industries. As a rule of thumb, however, a budget could be set

New Directions

New Directions in Dentistry

Based on my activities with Clinical Research Associates as senior consul-tant, my educational projects with Practical Clinical Courses, and my experiences on the lecture circuit, I will make observations on the state-of-the-art developments and imminent potential changes that


Identifying, Diagnosing, and Treating Dentin Hypersensitivity

Dentin hypersensitivity may be greatly impacting your patients, although they may not tell you about it at the time of their dental office visit. Today, safe and effective treatment options are readily available. Especially with the growing demand


Impression Distortion…Only a Technical Problem? A Doctor/Technician Liaison’s Perspective

If you are lucky, impression distortion is major, and you can see it. But more often than not, it is “minor” ; and can be invisible to the untrained or undiscerning eye. Further-more, you and your dental technician


The Eight Keys to Selecting Great Seating for Long-Term Health

The fully seated dental operating position combined with the air turbine handpiece ushered in what has been known as the golden age of dentistry. This increase in capacity, along with the baby boom, launched a rise in dental

Oral Medicine

The Dentist’s Role in Managing Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies

More than a million new cases of cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year.1 In light of oral complications of cancer therapies, it is vital for the dental team to assume a more comprehensive role in


Tooth Whitening and Sensitivity Reduction

Tooth whitening, or “bleaching,” continues to be an important part of today’s aesthetic armamentarium. Television programs such as Extreme Makeover and The Swan have exposed tooth whitening and smile makeovers to such a degree that these procedures are


Advantages of Electric-Driven Handpieces During Tooth Preparation

As amalgam restorations break down and need to be replaced, composite restorations are becoming the restoration of choice for many dental practices. For composite restorations to be a viable alternative to amalgam, the restorations must be placed in


No-Preparation Porcelain Veneers — Back to the Future!

Porcelain veneers are an excellent conservative modality to create and restore aesthetics in the human dentition. The beauty of porcelain is unsurpassed because of the natural light transmission that occurs through the porcelain and ultimately through the tooth.