Infection Control

Hand Hygiene; Bring on the Alcohol Rubs

Hand hygiene is the single most important factor in preventing the spread of pathogens and antibiotic resistance in healthcare settings. Hand hygiene reduces the incidence of healthcare associated infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate


How To Be a Smile Designer, Part 1

It has been more than 20 years since I coined the phrase smile designer during an interview for a New York Times article. The point of the new name was to move beyond prosthetic dentistry (which means artificial

Infection Control

OSAP Meeting Your Infection Control Needs

The Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures (OSAP), founded in 1984, comprises 2 complementary entities: an association and a charitable educational foundation. Each has its own board of directors and mission. The association promotes science-based policies and practices


Boring Basics The Magic Potion for Success

Professional athletes know it. Airline pilots practice it daily. Religions have thrived for centuries because of it. What is this magic potion that creates winning seasons, consistency of service, and sustained growth? It’s the boring basics! It’s standardizing


No-Preparation Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a wonderful conservative modality for creating and restoring aesthetics in the human dentition. The beauty of porcelain is unsurpassed because of the natural light transmission that occurs through the porcelain and ultimately through the tooth.


Mastering Complete Care: The Other Skills You Need to Stay Ahead of the Curve

In the early days of your dental practice, you probably equated success with satisfying a steady stream of patients whose problems you could readily fix. Back then, you worked mainly as a tooth carpenter—repairing broken teeth, bleeding gums,


Technique and Materials for Obtaining Accurate Impressions in 60 to 90 Seconds

When treating patients who require indirect restorations (eg, full- and partial-coverage crowns, inlays, and onlays), accurate impressions are the cornerstone of restorative success and the key to communication between the dentist and the laboratory. Additionally, quickly achieving an


The Relationship Between Coronary Artery Disease and Periodontal Disease

William Hunter, an English physician in the early 20th century, brought to our attention that the bacteria in the oral cavity are a source of infection for the entire body.1 Today, there is a great deal of interest


Managing Risk Factors in Successful Nonsurgical Treatment

Management of periodontal disease is a dynamic and ongoing process. Only recently have we begun to understand what truly happens in the progression of the disease, thus making it easier and more predictable to treat. Risk factors suggest


Clinical Use of a New Metal-Free Restorative Technology

Unquestionably, one of the most intensely satisfying aspects of cosmetic dentistry is surpassing patient hopes by delivering more than is expected. Through the evolution of products and processes in the field, our chief goal, restoring teeth to their