
The Art of Temporization: Facial Changes Through Aesthetic Dentistry

It is suddenly really “cool” to be a dentist! These are incredible times for dentistry, truly a golden age. Reality television with programming like “Extreme Makeover” and “The Swan” has brought aesthetic dentistry and how it can dramatically


Oral Healthcare for Patients With Disabilities

The federal Healthy People initiative has provided a framework to address health disparities and improve the overall health of Americans. Healthy People 2010 provides an action agenda for the beginning of the 21st century and details health-promotion strategies


Assessing Aesthetic Expectations With Provisional Veneers

Ceramic veneers have become the foundation of the aesthetically oriented dental practice as a growing number of patients are seeking this popular and effective enhancement. Media exposure, from boutique magazine exposés to television series devoted to facial makeovers,

CE Articles

Improving the Stability of Maxillary Dentures: The Use of Polyvinyl Siloxane Impression Materials for Edentulous Impressions

The fabrication of complete removable dentures has evolved noticeably over the last 15 years with the advent of new materials and a better understanding of patients’ expectations. There is general agreement about one aspect of complete denture treatment:


Microscope-Enhanced Aesthetic Dentistry

One of America’s best-known architects, Frank Lloyd Wright, once said, “The physician can bury his mistakes, but the architect can only advise his clients to plant vines.” Recent dramatic changes in the practice of dentistry have placed us


Simplifying Single-Stage Solid Abutments: Techniques for Impressioning and Temporization

Single-stage implants are being utilized more frequently. Currently, Straumann ITI, Lifecore Biomedical, Sulzer Paragon, and 3I offer an implant designed to be used in a single stage with a flared crestal architecture that accepts a solid abutment. Traditional-type


Do Traditional Sealants Have a Place in the New, Super-Magnified World?

Traditional dental sealants, which have ostensibly become restorative dentistry’s most promoted preventive procedure, have one of dentistry’s highest failure rates. A well-publicized CRA study1 confirmed a 92% failure rate at a 10-year follow-up. Not surprisingly, there is a


Treatment Options for a Congenitally Missing Lateral Incisor

Figure 1. The patient has abundant keratinized tissue and bone, but has limited interdental space. The canine has delayed passive eruption and requires crown lengthening. Figure 2. The BioHorizons Maximus implant is one piece, 3 mm in diameter,


Steps to Redesign Smiles Using Current Technology and Materials

Figure 1. Preoperative maxillary labial view. Figure 2. Preoperative maxillary anterior radiographs. Figure 3. Preoperative maxillary lingual view. Figure 4. Easyshade device, tooth No. 6. Figure 5. Try-in of Fiber White post on tooth No. 9. Figure 6.


Improving Accuracy and Simplifying Treatment With Full Arch Removable Prosthetics: A Case Report

Patients who are currently wearing full arch removable prostheses may present requesting new dentures. The process may be simplified and the number of appointments decreased by using the current dentures as custom trays for master cast construction. The