Minimally Invasive Dentistry

Treating White Spot Lesions: Protocol for a Professionally Dispensed CPP-ACP Paste

INTRODUCTION In recent decades, dental professionals have increasingly advocated and explained the importance of, and proper technique for, daily oral hygiene habits for children and adults. Simultaneously, dental hygienists are sharing more information regarding the negative oral health

Quick Technique

Icon Smooth Surface: Minimally Invasive Treatment With Maximal Results

Resin infiltration is a revolutionary addition to the growing trend of minimally invasive dentistry. This conservative restorative technique is used to arrest incipient carious lesions early on and treat white spot lesions aesthetically without the need for local

Todays Dental News

The Top 50 Technology Products of 2019

Dentistry Today’s Tenth Annual Readers’ Choice Top 50 Technology Products, selected on the basis of lead generation, represent some of the profession’s most innovative equipment. They appear below in no particular order.

Todays Dental News

The Top 100 Dental Products of 2019

Dentistry Today’s 32nd Annual Readers’ Choice Top 100 Products are selected based on lead generation. All of these products have appeared in Dentistry Today at some point in the past year. Any product from an issue during that


Implants in the Aesthetic Zone: Simplifying Aesthetic Challenges

Some of the greatest learning at scientific sessions occurs during informal conversations—often in the lobby bar—with my colleagues after the official session is over. One such discussion revolved around the question “What is the most complex restorative challenge

Industry News

Snowflakes Explain How Enamel Forms

Physicists and mathematicians use the classical Stefan problem to explain the principles of crystal formation, such as snowflakes. Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Aalto University have adapted the same principles to explain how tooth enamel gets

Todays Dental News

CBCT Scanning Proves Its Worth

In February of 2017, I installed the Carestream CS 8100 cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanner in my New York City practice. It represented quite an investment, being neither inexpensive nor a space saver. Yet I must make the


Strategies for Consistent Aesthetics and Function

INTRODUCTION Many patients present with both functional and aesthetic problems. The dentist must first listen to the concerns of the patient, then evaluate the clinical findings in order to correctly apply dental facial treatment planning principles. When appropriate,


Porcelain Veneers in a Single Appointment

INTRODUCTION For the past few decades, tooth preparation for indirect restorations has remained the same, with slight variations by practitioners. Traditional dental preparation is a complex clinical function that can be inefficient and difficult to control. This can

Curaprox USA

Black Is White toothpaste contains activated charcoal as opposed to the chemical bleaching agents most whitening pastes contain.