
Conservatism and Simplicity: Aesthetic Restoration of the Single Maxillary Central Incisor

The dental literature today suggests that aesthetic dentists are choosing to exercise greater and greater conservative creativity in the manner in which they treat those patients who present requesting aesthetic enhancement of their smile.1-3 A once overabundant “prep


Functional Aesthetics and Material Considerations for Full-Mouth Rehabilitations

With the increasing number of smile makeover cases presenting themselves to dental practices in recent years, increased attention is being paid in the literature to the need for thoroughly and properly addressing a patient’s occlusal relationship in order


Aesthetic Treatment With a Pressed Ceramic Veneer Material: Case Reports

Why is a smile important? The power of a smile promotes confidence and self-esteem, enhances professional and business life, and improves one’s social life. Your smile states who you are. Regarding the value of a smile, “It happens

Cover Story

Direct Composite Restorations in the Posterior Region- A Case History Using a Nanohybrid Composite

For some time amalgam has been publicly criticized because of toxicological and environmental concerns regarding its mercury content.1-3 The increase in demand for aesthetic restorations has also led to a significant decrease in the use of amalgam, and

CE Articles

Saliva, Chewing Gum, and Oral Health

Although the average American will chew about 300 sticks of gum a year, in the past a chewing gum habit has been criticized by some clinicians as harmful. For example, in 1869 a physician wrote that chewing gum


Changes in Thought for Dental Hygienists

The practice of dental hygiene is ever-changing as the scientific community allocates more time toward (and discovers more details of) how periodontal disease actually begins and reappears in the dentition. A generation ago, clinicians thought and were taught


When Perception Equals RealityWhat is White, What is Light, What is Natural?

In the movie “The Matrix,” the character Morpheus explains that the Matrix is a computer construct, a dream, nothing more than electrical brain stimulation to produce perception, and what is perceived by the brain…is perceived as being real.

CE Articles

Lasers in Dentistry: An Overview

While still considered a new technology, the use of lasers in dentistry actually began in the late 1980s. A dentist who is considering the clinical use of a laser in practice should consider the following questions: •  What


Ulcer Management – “I Just Want It To Be Gone!”

Two frantic calls from patients. When will it ever end? The first patient, Jamie, is getting married Saturday and has a huge cold sore on her lip. The second patient, Andrew, is giving the presentation of his career


Aesthetic Correction of an Anterior Malocclusion With a Submicron-Filled Direct Composite Resin

Direct composite resin has been used to enhance and create aesthetic improvements in a variety of situations. The evolution of materials science has created a plethora of exotic composite resins that can be applied in a simple manner