The Clinical Use of Night Guards: Occlusal Objectives
Are you looking for ways to provide better service for your patients? Set yourself...
Treating Patients With CARE (Comfortable Aesthetic Restorations)Reducing Postoperative Sensitivity in Direct Posterior Composite Restorations
Perhaps one of the most frustrating situations in the dental office is to craft...
Restoring Anterior and Posterior Aesthetics and Function
Composite resins that are currently available can produce restorations that are highly aesthetic and...
CE Articles
Restoring the Dento-Gingival Complex, Part 2
Consideration of the relationship of the gingiva, tooth, and restoration is essential when creating...
Changes in Thought for Dental Hygienists
The practice of dental hygiene is ever-changing as the scientific community allocates more time...
Minimally Invasive Dentistry: Clinical Applications
Doctor, do I have to lose the tooth?” “Do I have to have a...
The Lighter Side of “Bread-and-Butter Dentistry”
With all of the excitement in the media concerning cosmetic dental makeovers and “spa...
Optimizing the Remaining Dentition
More people are keeping their natural dentition for life, and even those already wearing...
Treatment Planning for Restorations: Available Options
Last month, I examined a set of criteria for the diagnosis of recurrent decay...
Criteria for the Replacement of Defective Restorations
The basis of modern dentistry is the concept of prevention. Our patients are encouraged...