Search for: tooth decay

Considerations When Restoring a Nonvital Tooth

INTRODUCTION Multiple factors must be considered when deciding how to restore an endodontically treated...

Fluoride in Water Prevents Adult Tooth Loss

There is a strong relationship between fluoride levels in the residents’ county at the...

Digital Apparatus teams up with NCOHF for Toothfairy Beacon App

(Charlotte, NC – February 15, 2011) Digital Apparatus, a mobile entertainment company, has partnered...

Study Shows Fluoride from Tea & Toothpaste Weakens Bones

Fluoride consumption from tea and toothpaste damaged a woman’s bones, report researchers in Osteoporosis...

Fluoride in Water Prevents Adult Tooth Loss

Children drinking water with added fluoride helps dental health in adulthood decades later, a...

Surface Treatments for Tooth-Colored Restorations: Part 1

Figure 1. Preoperative occlusal view of a maxillary left second premolar with recurrent decay...

Fluoridated Toothpaste Use in Children

In order to prevent tooth de­cay in their childern, parents were advised to use...

Leave Decay in My Cavity? You Must Be Kidding!

Figure 1. Arrested caries exposed beneath a lost restoration, after 18 months. Hardened tissues...

Copy Existing Tooth Form to Retrofit to an RPD Accurately: An Ideal CAD/CAM Application

One of the most vexing and difficult procedures in restorative dentistry is that of...

Remineralization to Reduce Decay

Caries research has changed its course from one of eliminating decay by destroying tooth...