Search for: tooth decay

Tap Water Drinkers Have Less Tooth Decay But More Lead in Their Blood

American children and adolescents who don’t drink tap water, which is typically fluoridated, are...

Social Deprivation Increases Risk of Tooth Decay

Economics plays a significant role in oral health, according to joint research from the...

Aspirin May Repair Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is the most common dental disease worldwide, but a common medication may...

“Tee for the ToothFairy” Golf Tournament Raises Funds to Combat Childhood Tooth Decay

On April 21, America’s ToothFairy: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation and IQ Dental Supply...

Tooth Decay Continues to Plague Children Down Under

Pediatric tooth decay is reaching epidemic proportions in the Australian state of Victoria. According...

Infants With Eczema More Likely to Develop Tooth Decay

Infants who have eczema are 3 times more likely to develop tooth decay when...

Bristol Gets “Sugar Smart” to Fight Tooth Decay

A quarter of the 5-year-old children in Bristol, England, have tooth decay, according to...

Two-Thirds of Utah Children Have Tooth Decay

According to a report from the Utah Department of Health (UDOH), 66% of children...

Hawaii Leads Nation in Pediatric Tooth Decay

While pediatric tooth decay appears to be reaching epidemic proportions across the United States,...

Tax on Sweetened Beverages Could Reduce Tooth Decay

As the rates of obesity and tooth decay continue to climb worldwide, many governments...