Interpreting Endodontic Radiographs Take a Trip to a Japanese Rock Garden
In Kyoto, Japan, there is a famous rock garden where 15 rocks are laid...
Terrifying, Troublesome, or Terrific? Secrets to Perfect Pediatric Patients
The crying started, then the wailing, then the screams. The patient was pediatric. I...
The Use of the Nd:YAG Dental Laser as an Adjunct to Aesthetic Restorative Treatment
Despite the presence of lasers in dental practice since 1989, their use is still...
Risk Management
Informed Consent: The Patient’s Rights
Risk management for dentists as a formal discipline took shape in the mid-1980s as...
Back to the Future With Porcelain Veneers
The history of porcelain veneers is a very simple one. Thin wafers of porcelain...
Closing a Large Central Diastema Using A Pressed Ceramic
Orthodontic treatment is usually the best alternative for closing spaces. However, some situations do...
Endodontic Therapy Using Orascopic Visualization
Technological advances have enhanced the visualization of conventional and surgical endodontic treatment fields. Bahcall...
The Elusive Tight Contact With Composite Restorations How to Achieve It
As composites became more popular for posterior class II fillings, there were more and...
Single-Visit Endodontics, Part 1: Are We There Yet?
Did you read the title of this article and think, “Single-visit endodontics? Of course,...
Boring Basics The Magic Potion for Success
Professional athletes know it. Airline pilots practice it daily. Religions have thrived for centuries...