How Staff Can Tap a Gold Mine of Production With Just a Nugget of Problem-Solving Skills
It’s no secret that patients enter your practice every day with a wide variety...
The Future of Periodontal Diagnostic Testing
Traditionally, periodontal disease has been diagnosed by a radiographic and clinical examination including the...
Polishing of Anterior Composite Resin Restorations
The aesthetic appearance of a composite resin restoration depends upon shape, color, and gloss...
Periodontal Disease and Diabetes Mellitus: Bidirectional Relationship
Periodontal diseases (periodontitis) are bacterial infections and can result in the destruction of tissues...
Digital Photography in Your Dental Practice The Why’s, How’s and Wherefore’s
To be sure, much has been written and spoken about the virtues of incorporating...
The Paper Point Technique, Part 2
In part 1 of this 2-part article on paper point measurements, the rationale behind...
The Use of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Clinical and Surgical Endodontics
A significant problem in clinical dentistry in general, and in restorative dentistry and endodontics...
Adjunctive Orchestrated Orthodontic Therapy: A New Trend in Cosmetic Dentistry
The goal of appearance-related dental rehabilitation is the re-establishment of a healthy, maintainable, aesthetic,functional...
A Multiphase Approach to Direct Composite Veneering
We live in a world of choices, yet veneer-based smile rehabs have typically come...